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A Cheese Class with Madame Fromage & Cheese Grotto

Madame Fromage with her Cheese Grotto, photo by Lisa Schaffer

Join Madame Fromage for a special class with Jessica Sennett, inventor of the Cheese Grotto — a mini cheese cave designed for home affinage. Jessica and MF have teamed up to pick 3 cheeses from Madame Fromage’s Adventures in Cheese, along with pairings. To join the class, please order the special Cheese Grotto box and a copy of the book (details below)!

You’ll taste some great American artisan cheeses. Plus, you’ll meet Jessica, one of the great cheesepreneurs of the world! And you’ll learn how you can age a soft-ripened cheese at home!

September 24

Pre-Order Party!

October 11

Cookbooks & Convos In-Person Book Event