Illustration by Aly Miller
Join cheese educator and author Madame Fromage (a.k.a Tenaya Darlington) for a virtual class about washed rinds, otherwise known as “stinkers!” Learn about this style, along with pairing tips and recipe ideas. This is a BYO-Cheese class with a list of suggested cheeses, from mild to wild, (below) that you can pick up on your own. If you’d just like to sip a glass of something, listen in, and ask questions, that’s fine too!
Note: This class corresponds with Chapter 1 of Madame Fromage’s Adventures in Cheese, which is available anywhere books are sold. Order a copy before class!
Suggested cheeses
1 Mildly whiffy (such as Port Salut, Taleggio, Morbier)
1 Certifiably Stinky (Grayson, Red Hawk, Pont-l’Evêque)
1 Rank (Époisses, Langres, Hooligan)
1 Bark-wrapped bonus round! (Winnimere, Rush Creek, Vacherin Mont d’Or)
Pairing Ideas
Gewürtztraminer / Belgian beer or stout/ bourbon / kombucha or club soda with Angostura bitters
Possible Accompaniments
Whole roasted garlic, pickles (cornichons), radishes, celery & carrot sticks, chutney or mostarda, dried apricots or figs, roasted peanuts or smoked nuts, potato chips, rustic bread