Illustration by Aly Miller
Join cheese educator and author Madame Fromage (a.k.a Tenaya Darlington) for a deep dive into fresh cheeses made from four different milk types. Learn how to select, serve, and taste the best freshies along with pairing tips and recipe ideas. This is a BYO-Cheese class with a list of suggested cheeses (below) that you can pick up on your own. If you’d just like to sip a cool beverage, listen in, and ask questions, that’s fine too!
Note: This class corresponds with Chapter 1 of Madame Fromage’s Adventures in Cheese, which is available anywhere books are sold. Order a copy before class!
Suggested cheeses
1 fresh goat cheese (try: chévre)
1 fresh cow cheese (try: mascarpone, labneh, fromage blanc)
1 fresh sheep cheese (try: sheep’s milk ricotta or feta)
1 fresh buffalo cheese (try: mozzarella di bufala)
Pairing Ideas
Rosé / pilsner/ vodka tonic / green tea
Possible Accompaniments
Honey, olive oil, berries, stone fruit, fresh veggies, melon, fresh herbs, prosciutto, pistachios, baguette